
VirtEngine is an end-to-end open source cloud management platform offered as a bundled offering with IaaS and can run apps, services, micro services (Docker), Analytics on hybrid cloud.

This tutorial will guide you in creating an account with VirtEngine.

You can access VirtEngine by clicking on

1. Create an account

  • Create an new account in VirtEngine

Click the create new account link, it shows like below.

Enter your email-id, password, and mobile number then click verify button the OTP will be sent to your mobile.

Pop-up window will be open enter the OTP then click the verify button.

It will verify your OTP.

Finally click the Create Account. You have successfully created an account. Now, you will see the dashboard page.

2. Use OAuth - Facebook

You will be see the facebook icon at the bottom of the page. click that icon it shows like below

Enter your credentials and then click the login button.

Now, you have successfully created an account in VirtEngine.

We are create an default password


for your account, hence reset it.

You have to reset your password.

Click the Profile link in VirtEngine a pop-up window will open, there you can change your password.

3. Use OAuth - Google+

You wiil be see the google+ icon at the bottom of the page in our website. click that icon it shows like below

Enter your credentials and then click the login button.

Now, you have successfully created an account in VirtEngine.

We are create an default password


for your account, hence reset it.

You have to reset your password.

Click the Profile link in VirtEngine a pop-up window will open, there you can change your password.

4.Use OAuth - Github

You wiil be see the github icon at the bottom of the page in our website. click that icon it shows like below

Enter your credentials and then click the login button.

Now, you have successfully created an account in VirtEngine.

We are create an default password


for your account, hence reset it.

You have to reset your password.

Click the Profile link in VirtEngine a pop-up window will open, there you can change your password.


These are the very simple steps to create an account with VirtEngine. VirtEngine website contain lot of feature - very easy to launch Virtual Machines, Apps, Services in VirtEngine.

Deploy a VM or Container now


Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in.

This tutorial will guide you launching a Docker Container in VirtEngine.


  • You are running Ubuntu 14.04 or Linux workstation.

  • Git installed on your workstation, which you can do by following the How To Install Git with Apt.

  • You have an account on GitHub, which is a Git repository host.

  • You have to create a valid credential for accessing How to create an account with VirtEngine

  • You have to install openssh-server for ssh access.

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  • To check the ssh is properly installed in our system

    	ps aux | grep sshd

Step - 1 Launch DockerContainer

This initial section contains everything you need to get docker container and running on your server.

  • Go to your VirtEngine Dashboard.

  • Click Marketplace on the top bar.Marketplace contains all the linux distros, applications, services and microservices which VirtEngine supports.

  • Click DockerContainer Icon.

  • Give the docker hub image name.

    For example jenkins

  • To launch DockerContainer Click Create button.

  • Now you have launched your dockercontainer.

    Step - 2 Access the DockerContainer

Next, Go to the Dashboard and click the domain name a new window will open.

It contains the CPU, RAM and Network tab.

It shows the Metrics, VM Logs, IP address and SSH URL.

Metrics shows the CPU,RAM and Network usage.

Container Logs shows all the running process in DockerContainer.

Step - 3 Open Your web browser

You can access your web page using https://IP_ADDRESS:8080


Finally These are the steps in launched the docker container in successfully.


Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in.

This tutorial we will need to setup the docker container.


  • You require atleast one swarm master and lots of node(s).

  • The nodes must have our package verticedocker installed with linux configured.

  • The linux bridge needs to configured in each of the hosts

Swarm Install

Now, on your master which is soon going to be swarm master, install megamswarm

apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64 trusty testing"

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv B3E0C1B7

apt-get update

apt-get install megamswarm

start megamswarm

Install dockercontainer in node

 echo 'deb ubuntu-trusty main' >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

  apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates

  apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D

  apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-trusty

  apt-get update

  apt-get install docker-engine

  apt-get install verticecommon verticegulpd verticedocker

edit your /usr/share/megam/verticegulpd/conf/gulpd.conf

 ### Welcome to the Gulpd configuration file.
 ### [meta]
 ### Controls the parameters for the Raft consensus group that stores metadata
 ### about the gulp.
 user = "root"
nsqd = [""]
scylla = [""]
scylla_keyspace = "vertice"
### [gulpd]
### Controls which assembly to be deployed into machine
enabled = false
name = ""
assembly_id = "ASM2593607080"
assemblies_id = "AMS253064546"
provider = "chefsolo"
  	cookbook = "apt"
  	chefrepo = ""
chefrepo_tarball = ""
### [http]
### Controls how the HTTP endpoints are configured. This a frill
### mechanism for pinging gulpd (ping)
enabled = true
bind_address = "nodeip:6666"

start your node verticegulpd

  start verticegulpd

Create Bridge

To install bridge on your node

   apt-get install bridge-utils

Edit your /etc/network/interface file

   auto megdock
   iface megdock inet static
   netmask   yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
   bridge_ports none
   bridge_stp off
   bridge_fd 1
   bridge_hello 2
   bridge_maxage 12
   up ip route add zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz/27 dev megdock

Then create megdock bridge

 brctl add-br megdock

check if a linux bridge by name megdock exists

brctl show

start your docker daemon

docker daemon -D -H tcp://nodeip:2375 #### To join the nodes to the swarm master

We need a token to join the nodes to the swarm master. You should find this line following the command

 ps -ef | grep swarm

 root     129993 129353  0 11:07 pts/0    00:00:01 swarm join token://54c729c18d379721c9483c07e071b7e9

Copy the token to join nodes to swarm master and paste the token. Then execute the below command on the master to join node to master

swarm join --addr=<node_ip>:2375 token://54c729c18d379721c9483c07e071b7e9

Hopefully you have configured our engine vertice engine, if not this is needed for the launch

nano /usr/share/megam/megamd/megamd.conf
   host: https://<swarm_master_ip>:2375

Voila! Go ahead and launch multiple docker containers through vertice.


Finally swarm and dockernode installed setup on your host by docker container using vertice and successfully launched the docker container


WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

And WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress is installed on a web server, which either is part of an Internet hosting service or is a network host itself; the first case may be on a service like, for example, and the second case is a computer running the software package readmore



You have to create a valid credential access for

You have to install openssh-server for ssh access.

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Check SSH working properly

	ps aux | grep sshd
Step - 1 Lauch WordPress just by One Click

This initial section contains everything you need to get WordPress and running on your server.

First, ensure the user to login our site .

Go to the Market Places to click the create a new WordPress on Collaboration.

  • A window will pop up with the configurations of your server such CPU, storage, RAM and SSHkey options.

  • You can customize your HDD size,Core and RAM capacity.

  • You can create a new sshkey, use an existing sshkey or import your own sshkeys too.

  • Click the create button. it will create the WordPress Machine.

Step - 2 Access the WordPress Machine
  • Next, Go to the Services it will show your services that you are lauched click the domain name of your wordpress and then a new window is open.

  • Now you can see your machine’s CPU, RAM ,Storage IP address and SSH URL on Usage section.

  • And you can see your Metrics charts of CPU,RAM and Network of your machine.

  • Logs will show all the running process in the server.

  • You can access the virtual machine via SSH connection, you can download the your private and public keys from SSH Keys tab or Overview page. Use this keys to ssh like following command,

    $ ssh -i path to/private_key_filename root@ipaddress

Step - 3 Credentials of WordPress

Get your server’s IP from overview page

  • Go to your browser and type as follows


  • Now you can see your WordPress welcome page and press Let’s go! on that page.

  • Enter the credentials of database for WordPress. the below are default credentials.

The name of the database you want to use with WordPress.

Database Name : wordpress

Your database username and password.

    Username :  root
	Password :	<leave it blank>

You should be able to get this info from your web host, if localhost doesn’t work.

	Database Host:	localhost

If you want to run multiple WordPress installations in a single database, change this.

	Table Prefix : wp_
  • press submit, if the given credentials are valid it gets into next page

  • Press Run the install button shown in the page.

  • In this page you can choose your WordPress Login username, Password and your Site name.

Login with your user and password it will get to wordpress design page successfully.


These are the very simple steps to launch WordPress in virtual machine. Installing wordpress is faster, so it takes only less time. This is a good head-start for launching a WordPress in VirtEngine.

To Launch your WordPress Server click here



Open Web Analytics (OWA) is an open source web analytics framework written in PHP. OWA was born out of the need for an open source framework that could be used to easily add web analytics features to web sites and applications. The OWA framework also comes with built-in support for popular web applications such as WordPress and MediaWiki. As a generic web analytics framework, OWA can be extended to track and analyze any web application.

This tutorial will guide you in launching a php web application (Open Web Analytics) in VirtEngine.


  • You are running Ubuntu 14.04 or Linux workstation.

  • Git is installed on your workstation, which you can do by following the How To Install Git with Apt.

  • You have an account on GitHub, which is a Git repository host.

  • You have to create a valid credential for accessing How to create an account with VirtEngine

  • You have to install openssh-server for ssh access in your worstation.

      sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  • Check SSH working properly

      ps aux | grep sshd

This initial section contains everything you need to get Open Web Analytics App and running on your server.

Step-1 Fork Open Web Analytics

  • Fork Open Web Analytics from

  • You will be see the fork option in the top right corner of the git hub the fork option.

  • The Open Web Analytics repository is forked into your git repository

Step-2 Launch the app

  1. Go to VirtEngine Dashboard

  2. Click Marketplace on the top bar.Marketplace contains all the linux distros, applications, services and microservices which VirtEngine supports.

  3. Click PHP Icon.A window will pop up for your git repository selection.

  4. Pick a repository by choosing your repository.

Let us use Github: < mygithub >/php_webanalytics.git

  1. You can create new sshkey or use an existing sshkey or upload your own sshkeys too.

  2. To launch PHP App.Click Create.

  • Voila ! Your App is up to date.

  • Now that you have launched your app, you might want to launch a service (database) and bind it

Buildpack for php

We use a default PHP build pack using our super cool chef-repo.

The build pack for PHP

#Php builder
filename=$(basename "$remote_repo")
cd $megam_home
rm -r $project
git clone $remote_repo
rm -r $local_repo/*
mv ./$project/* $local_repo
cd $project
if [  -f "./$project/start" ]; then
chmod 755 ./$project/start
service apache2 restart

Step-3 Open Your Web browser

You can access your web page using https://IP_ADDRESS/current



These are the very simple steps to launch a PHP web app (Open Web Analytics) using your github repository.

Deploy PHP app now