Debian is a Unix-like computer operating system that is composed entirely of free software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License, and packaged by a group of individuals known as the Debian. Three main branches are offered: Stable, Testing and Unstable.
This tutorial will guide you in launching Debian Jessie in VirtEngine.
You are running Ubuntu 14.04 or Linux workstation.
Git installed on your server, which you can do by following the How To Install Git with Apt.
An account on GitHub, which is a Git repository host. To follow this tutorial :
You have to create a valid credential for accessing How to create an account with VirtEngine
You have to install openssh-server for ssh access.
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server
To check the ssh is properly installed in our system
$ ps aux | grep sshd
###Step - 1 Creating Debian Jessie VM
This initial section contains everything you need to get Debian Jessie and running on your server.
First, ensure the user can login to
Go to the Market Place.
Select the Debian, A window will pop up with for CPU, storage, RAM and SSHkey options.
You can choose the storage size and RAM capacity.
You can create a new sshkey, use an existing sshkey or import your own sshkeys too.
Click the create button. it will create the virtual machine.
###Step - 2 Access the Debian Jessie VM Machine
Next, Go to the Dashboard and click the domain name a new window will open.
It contains the CPU, RAM and Network tab.
It shows the Metrics, VM Logs, IP address and SSH URL.
Metrics shows the CPU,RAM and Network usage.
VM Logs shows all the running process in VM.
You need to access the Virtual Machine from a terminal.
You can download the SSH Keys from SSH Keys tab or Overview page. Use this key to login to your virtual machine using the following command,
$ ssh -i path to/<private_key filename> root@<ipaddress>
These are the very simple steps to launch Debian Jessie virtual machine. This is a good head-start for launching a Debian Jessie in VirtEngine.
###Deploy debian jessie now