How to launch PHP - PostageApp in VirtEngine


The PostageApp is used in quick way to deliver the email. This application supports PHP.It optionally attachs it to the mail server.

This tutorial will guide you in launching a php web application (PostageApp) in VirtEngine.

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  • You are running Ubuntu 14.04 or Linux workstation.

  • Git installed on your workstation, which you can do by following the How To Install Git with Apt.

  • You have an account on GitHub, which is a Git repository host.

  • You have to create a valid credential for accessing How to create an account with VirtEngine

  • You have to install openssh-server for ssh access in your local system.

      sudo apt-get install openssh-server

check SSH installed on your system

    ps aux | grep sshd

Step-1 Fork PostageApp

  • Fork PostageApp from

  • You will be see the fork option in the top right corner of the git hub the fork option.

  • The php_postage repository is forked into your git repository

Step - 2 Launch PostageApp

  1. Go to VirtEngine Dashboard

  2. Click Marketplace on the top bar.Marketplace contains all the linux distros, applications, services and microservices which VirtEngine supports.

  3. Click PHP Icon.A window will pop up for your repository selection.

  4. Pick a repository by choosing your repository.

Let us use Github: < mygithub >/php_postage.git

  1. You can create new sshkey, use an existing sshkey or upload your own sshkeys too.

  2. Launch PHP App.Click Create.

  • Voila ! Your App is up to date.

  • Now that you have launched your app, you might want to launch a service (database) and bind it

    Step - 2 Buildpack for php

We use a default PHP build pack using our super cool chef-repo.

  #Php builder
  filename=$(basename "$remote_repo")
  cd $megam_home
  rm -r $project
  git clone $remote_repo
  rm -r $local_repo/*
  mv ./$project/* $local_repo
  cd $project
  if [  -f "./$project/start" ]; then
  chmod 755 ./$project/start
  service apache2 restart

Step - 3 Open Your Web Browser

You can access your web page using https://IP_ADDRESS/current

Voila ! Your App is up to date. ####Conclusion These are the very simple steps to launch a php web app (PostageApp) using github repository.

Deploy PHP app now

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